
Showing posts from December, 2020

Embrace the Yield & the Turn

by Tiera S. Richardson     It would be selfish of me to acknowledge the glory without paying homage to my story.    I can’t believe it’s been 2 years and 7 months since I suffered a bilateral cerebellum stroke. Brain surgery and learning to walk/talk again was only half of the battle. This unforeseen catastrophic event still follows me daily; however, I have a husband and 3-year-old son to live for. To be honest, there’s approximately 15 million stroke survivors worldwide who needs me annually. I chose to not let this invisible disability define me. Even with all of the doctor’s appointments, migraines, body aches, anxiety and unseen struggle I’ve pressed forward. Pressed forward out of faith because I chose to believe that I could and would experience brighter days. Life and being an Air Force veteran taught me how to be resilient. Questions? 1.     Have you been redirected due to a life altering event?  2.     Do you feel alone du...